Jump to new code!

My Style Guide:

1.) Make sure it's an html document!
2.) Use lower case letters for your tags to be clean and consistent.
3.) Make sure you have a closing tag (usually involves a /).
4.) Use quotations for values.
5.) Use an "alt" for images so people with bad connection can get what the picture should be.
6.) Don't have loooooong lines of code, break it up into sections so you can read it all at once.

Click on this cat to get the latest news.

Wanna buy some Minecraft?

Name DOB Age
Joe 4/20/69 69
Jack 1/1/01 12
Bob 1/2/20 ???
  1. G
  2. H
  3. I
  4. J
  5. K
  6. L
  7. Hello
